Nowadays, discuss on nationalism is restarting from the edge of an alternative point of view. Traditionally, it is simple meaning that thinking on the side of the state, especially which consisted of land and people, is nationalism. The state is not only limited in physical aspect but it is deified and people are occasionally ready to do or die for it. Such feeling in people from different socio-cultural and other identities is like the thread to unite the state as a beautiful garland.
With the change of time, likely the traditional definition is becoming very creek and it is trying to be deconstructed into contents of society like religion, caste, tribe, and gender etc. These fragments of society are trying to take the space within the banner of the definition of nationalism. The state is only an instrument that always used forcibly by economically upper and lower classes of the state as an eternal process. This struggle provokes the dissatisfaction relatively weaker and backward social fragments. The situation compels them to struggle for right or equality.
It may be the impact of the contemporary Philosophic wave of post-modernism which uncovers the covered entities. According to new logic, the female is dominated under male likewise lower caste dominated under upper, tribal under non-tribal, the minority under the majority. Through the light of this discussion, the issue of the identity of social fragments is becoming strong in politics. In the current time, South Asian countries rich in multicultural, multilingual and are facing this problem. Diversity has been defined as the richness and beauty of the state, but looking like the communal conflict between entities may be the symptoms of unrest. The demolition of social unity may not be good for the health of the state. The entities in society want to leverage in life is reliable think, the concern should be solved in time.
In India, after the massive victory of BJP last parliamentary election four years ago, Hindu fundamentalist nationalism is seen very aggressive on the secular type of nationalism. India is waiting for the general election next year; the discourse is going to be a serious political issue between political parties now. Social fragments are in fear that Hinduism may deny their entities.
The neighbouring Himalayan small country Nepal that enter the federal republic system after the dethroned monarchy also facing such type of problem of the identity of social fragments, but the problem is not solved satisfactorily till now. Nepal is ruling by the majority holder Nepal Communist Party. The agitation of Madheshi, Janajati and other backward communities was in climax before the general election last year
Jordan doesn’t remember were he parked his car.
Jordan doesn’t remember where he parked his car.
Which sign is usually paced on street corners to warn you of cross traffic?
Which sign is usually placed on street corners to warn you of cross traffic?
A comma should not separate a subject from its verb. Separating the subject and its verb with a comma is a mistake generally made if the subject clause is long. Clearly identify the subject of the sentence (what the sentence is about) and its verb (action word). The subject may already have a verb in it, as part of the relative clause.
The things which cause me joy, may also cause me pain.
The subject of this sentence is “the things”, and its verb is “may cause”. A comma is not required in this sentence.
The method of ensuring you are driving on the right route is to check your G.P.S.
The subject of this sentence is “the method”, and its verb is “is to check”.
Possibly miswritten word: mean time
Sophie’s novel has trans formed a literary genre.
Sophie’s novel has transformed a literary genre.
Eliza forgot to finish her home work.
Eliza forgot to finish her homework.
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