Glance around History : The wave of communist in India & Nepal.


       Class struggle and arms struggle of fundamental communism were two attractions to draw the attention of the lower class people which was practiced successfully in Russia and China. Perhaps, lower class who is living under the massive frustration like to choose a bloody struggle for change. An offshoot of Indian communist movement is still following this way is called Naxalite, is active in Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand and around it in India. Tiny Himalayan country Nepal also was facing bloody Maoist war against the state, concluded thirteen years ago, was run for ten years. The mainstream is running around the social democracy and parliamentary system. In South Asia, most of the communist parties are playing an important role in the parliamentary system, but Nepal is still has a strong communist government through the poll.

       The horizon was bright for communists in the twentieth century where many countries of the world were in effect of communism. The fundamental principle of Capitalism pushed to defending post by the growing popularity of communism in the nineteenth century. Russia became the first communist country of the world by an armed revolution led by Vladimir I. Lenin in 1917 and became a model for communists of many countries. Secondly, China was the communist country, concluded the revolution on 1 October 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong. The wave of Russian and Chinese revolution cross the Himalayan range and enter in South Asia.

        According to Communist Party of India [M] sources, India was the first country in South Asia to form a communist party in 1920 in Taskand in USSR but not in India; Madhabendra Nath Roy, Evelyn Trent Roy, Abani Mukherji, Rosa Fitingof, Mohammad Ali, Mohammad Safiq Siddiqi, Rafiq Ahamed, B.T. Acharya, Sultan Ahamed Khan were the founders of the party, but it is not free of the controversy.

         Another source said that the communist party of India was formally founded in 1925 in Kanpur. However, the impact of the Russian revolution has arrived among the remarkable number of people in India. People were uniting under local communist cells in different places in India. Like, Anusilan and Jugantar groups were active in Bengal, led by Mujaffar Ahamed. Communist leaders A.S.Dange in Bombay, Singaravelu Chettiar in Madras, Shaukat Usmani in United Province and Gulam Hussain in Punjab and Sindh were active. The then British India Government accused communist leaders in the case of Peshawar plot, Kanpur Bolshevik and Meruth plots in the decade of thirty. Government's actions against the activist gave well publicity.

   The world communist movement has been badly affected by various controversies. CPI also divided on the name of pro-China and pro--Russia, peaceful transformation or arm struggle, and CPI (Marxist) came in existence in 1964. Later CPI (M) also divided; Charu Mujumdar and Saroj Dutta or others left the party because they accused CPM as an anti-revolutionary reformist party. Kanu Sanyal and Jongal Santhal, tribal leaders were working among the people, joined with Charu and Saroj; they launched the peasant movement at Naxalbari in Bengal. They formed CPI (M-L) in Calcutta in 1969. After the Charu Majumdar, the legacy of Naxalbari also scattered in various fractions with the tag of Marxist- Leninist. CPM led Left Front was ruling in Bengal, Tripura, and Kerala but it remains only in Kerala now. Communal sentiment does never leave the ground for class-based Marxist politics. Communism and communalism never walk together for a long time, Indian experience has proved it.

          Nepal is one of the fertile countries for the communist movement in South Asia. The movement is continually in progress since the formation of the Nepal communist party on 15 September 1949, under the leadership of Pushpalal Shrestha and others were  Niranjan Govinda Baidhya, Narayan Bilash Joshi and Narbahadur Karmacharya in Calcutta, the eastern city of India when Ranacracy was in Nepal. Nepal Communist Party is a ruling party of Nepal now. In the meantime, the party is the largest in South Asia and third in Asia.

 After the revolt of Raksha Dal, the party was banned in 24, January 1952 at the time the downfall of Ranacracy, the band was lifted in 1957. A fraction of communist highly motivated by the Chinese revolution and Indian Naxalite launched a peasant uprising in Jhapa district of eastern Nepal led by C.P Mainali, R. K Mainali, K .P Oli and others in 1969, was suppressed ruthlessly by the regime. The incident turns a major offshoot toward the parliamentary system and indirectly took parts in elections. 

        Nepalese communist movement also not remains free from the internal conflict as of the world movement.  King Mahendra collapsed the multiparty democracy in 1960, and impose the partyless Panchayat system in Nepal. Few strong personalities of the party support the royal coup. Likewise, King banned all political parties in 1961. The relation between the Kingdom of Nepal and her northern neighboring communist China build up very smooth and non-controversial, where southern neighboring India always want to keep under impact. That is why the mainstream of Nepali communist involve to fuelled the anti-Indian sentiment of people and gain popularity.

About the dozen or more communist parties were active in the country during the ninth decade, Although the growth of them was raising very rapidly. They actively took part in the political change in 1990 and later in the movement to establish federal republic Nepal.      





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